USS Providence
A replica of the sloop USS Providence will represent the Navy of the Revolutionary War.
The Monitor was the first armored, turreted vessel, setting the pattern that would dominate naval warfare for many decades.
When it was learned the Confederates were converting the captured USS Merrimack into an ironclad CSS Virginia, inventor John Ericsson hurriedly built the Monitor. Her outward appearance was so simple she was called "a cheesebox on a raft," but she contained about forty patentable inventions by the brilliant Ericsson, who donated his patents to the Union cause,
The Navy rushed the Monitor to Hampton Roads, Virginia, just in time to stop the Merrimack's devastation of the unarmored Union ships there. Monitor’s fight with the Merrimack made her the most famous vessel of the Civil War, "The Little Ship That Saved the Nation." After supporting the Union Army's advance on the rebel capital, Monitor headed south to fight but sank in a storm. Her turret and engine have been recovered and are displayed at the Mariners’ Museum and Park (MM&P) in Newport News, Virginia.
As the sole Union ship afloat may not be able to manage the trip to Philadelphia, we will construct a replica of the ironclad USS Monitor to represent the Navy of the Civil War. Although the Monitor was built in Brooklyn, Philadelphia built ironclads such as the New Ironsides and was the home to the Navy’s ironclads for many years. We plan to recreate the Monitor for the Navy & Marine Corps 250th Celebration, and are exploring building a floating steel replica of the Monitor to be a lasting legacy of the Celebration.
USS Providence
A replica of the sloop USS Providence will represent the Navy of the Revolutionary War.
USS Olympia
The USS Olympia, the only ship remaining from the Spanish-American War and one of two remaining from the First World War, will represent the Navy of those wars in the Navy and…
USS Becuna
The Independence Seaport Museum also operates the museum submarine USS Becuna, which fought in World War II and in the Cold War.
USS New Jersey
To assemble ships representing the Navy in all its major conflicts, no site is better than the Delaware River, because it hosts the USS New Jersey, the only battleship to fight in…
The Modern Navy
The Navy’s service in conflicts from the Gulf War to the present will be represented by several active-duty Navy ships that will majestically steam up the Delaware River and join the historic…
Naval Aviation
Naval aviation will also be represented at the Navy 250th celebration, with flyovers and hopefully demonstrations and static displays.
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